IVVN African Schools Outreach Programme

Data collected by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (https://asti.cgiar.org/gender) highlight the low representation of women in agricultural research in Africa – where they represent on average only 24% of researchers.
As part of efforts to address this challenge, the IVVN in collaboration with Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre (EBSOC), African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD), African Vaccinology Network (AfVANET), International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), University of Ibadan, University of Zambia, University of Buea, University of Pretoria, Makerere University and Addis Ababa University have established the IVVN African Schools Outreach Programme.
The aim of the programme is to provide women scientists working in veterinary vaccinology across Africa with the training and resources (in the form of a mobile laboratory in a suitcase) to host schools outreach workshops in their own countries, with the overall goal of inspiring the next generation of scientists.
Follow the progress of the project at @IntVetVaccNet #InspiringFutureScientists. For enquiries regarding the IVVN African Schools Outreach Programme, please contact IVVN Network Manager, Dr. Carly Hamilton at IVVN [at] roslin [dot] ed [dot] ac [dot] uk.