Membership benefits

Since launching in August 2017, the IVVN has welcomed over 2,000 members from across 93 different countries. 65% of our members are from LMICs, 22% from the UK and 13% from other high income countries.
Benefits of being a member of the IVVN include:
- Joining an international community of researchers to improve vaccine development for major livestock diseases
- Access to potential collaborators from across the fields of veterinary and human vaccinology
- Networking opportunities through attendance at our annual scientific meetings
- Members are eligible to apply for scholarships to attend our annual scientific meetings
- Members are eligible to apply for pump-priming grants of up to £100,000 and laboratory exchange awards of up to £10,000 to accelerate their vaccine research
- Opportunities to host workshops on specific vaccine related topics
- Notification of news, events, training, funding and publications of interest via our website, social media, and monthly newsletters