February 2018 Newsletter
The February issue of the International Veterinary Vaccinology Network Newsletter is available here.
This month we have lots of exciting news from the IVVN including a vacancy for an Industrial Liaison Officer, a report from the UK Veterinary Vaccinology Network Conference and the final chance to register for our inaugural meeting on the 26th & 27th March in Nairobi. We are also delighted to have been able to award scholarships for researchers from the UK and LMICs to attend our first meeting - congratulations to all awardees!
News from the wider community include an excellent talk from IVVN board member Dr. George Warimwe on his One Health Rift Valley Fever Vaccine, a new monthly newseltter from the OIE, and Bill Gates announcing a new $40 million investment in GALVmed to boost livestock research.
There are lots of fantastic events coming up in 2018, including a fish immunology workshop, the European Veterinary Vaccinology Workshop 2018, and a matchmaking event for individuals seeking collaborators in the field of controlling infectious diseases in animals and/or humans.
Funding opportunities include the Global Challenges Research Fund Networking Grants, BBSRC-NRF Newton-Utafiti fund call in enhancing ruminant livestock productivity and BBSRC David Phillips Fellowships.
If you would like a news story, event, publication or funding opportunity featured in our newsletter, please e-mail IVVN [at] roslin [dot] ed [dot] ac [dot] uk.