Yinka Abdulahi
I am Adewole Yinka Abdulahi, born on 2nd of Decemeber 1994,i have my primary school education at labimson nursery and primary school ikire osun State Nigeria, which I graduated in the 2002 and proceeded to Ademulegun high school for my secondary education as a senior prefect boy and winners of many accolades both in science and Art and graduated 2008,i got admitted to osun State University, oshogbo osun State to studied Animal science in which have attended more than ten scientific Conferences and Summits and have published five research paper and more more seven speeches have been delivered by me. I graduated as a First Class products in the field of Animal science and an a registered member of more than ten associations. I later proceeded to university of Ibadan to studied veterinary medicine in which am a bonafide student of veterinary medicine of the school. I love scientific research work and sporting is my hobby,meeting likes minds is my objective so that our environment can be free of harmful and non-befenicial microbes
Drugs and vaccines production for life sustainability especially against zoonotic diseases around Africa