Long Hoang Le

Long Hoang


Education and Diplomas:

1994-1998: Bachelor of Chemistry, VietNam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam

2001: Molecular Biology and Disease,  VietNam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam

2003-2005: Diploma Master, Chemistry, Vietnam National   University, Hanoi, Vietnam

2003: Molecular Biology of Hepatitis C virus, Centers for    Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta,USA

2003: WHO training course, Advanced course in Good manufacturing Practices, Hanoi, Vietnam.

2008: WHO training course, Quality control of Hib conjugate vaccine.

2014: Aston University, liposomes course.

Professional Experience:

Viral Hepatitis Laboratory, National Institute of     Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
R and D department, VABIOTECH,NIHE

Production of hepatitis A vaccine, development of hepatitis A-B combined vaccine, Vi conjugate vaccine and Hib conjugate vaccine.

Publications and Presentations:

 Prevalence of HAV and HEV in Thanhhoa province. J.Prev.Med., XII,  3 (54), 2002
Evaluation of safety and immunogenicity of inactivated hepatitis A vaccine produced by National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology. J.Prev.Med., XII,  3 (54), 2002

National Project Research: “ Development of Hepatitis B recombinant and Hepatitis A vaccines, 2002

MOH’s Project Research “Molecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis C infections in Hanoi”, 2003

National Project Research: “ Improvement of  Hepatitis A vaccines production”, 2005

Research interests

Vaccine and biological product.