Professor at the National University of Hurlingham, Hurlingham, Buenos Aires, Argentina (http://unahur.edu.ar/site/)
Senior Researcher at the Biotechnology Institute, National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), Independent Researcher of CONICET(3rd step from a total of 5). Buenos Aires, Argentina.
PI of the research group “Molecular Parasitology”, currently composed of one researcher, three post-doc and four doctoral fellows. Focus on Vector-borne diseases of veterinary and zoonotic impact. Goals: Rationale Vaccine design ( antigen expression in heterologous vectors) ; Diagnostic tools (molecular diagnostic tests and recombinant proteins); Molecular epidemiology studies (development of tools for population studies of parasites and bacteria) ; Host-Pathogen and Vector-Pathogen interactions ( through genomics and bioinformatics approaches)
Anaplasma, Babesia, Ticks, genomics, bioinformatics, vaccines, diagnostic tools, molecular epidemiology