Mercedes María
I'm Mercedes María Burucúa, I was born the 13th March to 1994 in Olavarría, Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 2011, I finished my high school in the same city. In 2017 I graduated to Biologist in the National University of Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Recently (April 2018) I started my PhD as doctoral fellow of the National Scientific and Technical Council (CONICET, Argentina) in the Laboratory of Virology, Animal Production Area of the Balcarce Experimental Station, INTA, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is entitled: Role of cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides in the pathogenesis of bovine alpha-herpesviruses and their interaction with toll-like receptors (TLRs).
My doctoral project was designed to study the innate immune response against herpesvirus infections in the respiratory epithelium. The objectives to my doctoral thesis involve primarily the determination of the gene expression of cathelicidins, TLRs and several key cytokines induced by BoHV infection, such as the viral quantification, in samples of bovine respiratory tract and in vitro in primary cultures of respiratory cells. Considering that the proposed research tasks are linked to address the innate immune response during herpesvirus infections in the respiratory tract and that understanding about the modulation of the innate immune response given by TLRs, cathelicidins and their signalling pathways would be useful for preventive and therapeutic strategies against BoHV infections, the opportunity to become a member to IVVN is extremely enriching for me.