Matthew Adeleke


Associate Professor
University of KwaZulu-Natal

Dr Matthew Adekunle Adeleke holds B. Agric, MSc and PhD degrees in Genetics and Animal Breeding from University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria where he was appointed Assistant Lecturer in 2006 and works in the domain of animal genetics. He served as a collaborator to develop FUNAAB Alpha, a new improved indigenous chicken breed comprising of six different lines that were tested in different geo-political zones and were registered by National Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology in 2018 with national code NGGD.18.02 in Nigeria. He also employs genetics to characterize immune genes in livestock species. Matthew relocated to South Africa in November 2015 to take up appointment with University of KwaZulu-Natal and had to start up a new are of research on parasite genetics. As such, Matthew has just begun investigation into genomics of Eimeria species that cause coccidiosis in chickens. We have characterized four Eimeria species detected so far in one of the nine provinces of South Africa while planning to cover the entire country as the study on Eimeria genetics seems dormant in the country. Another focus of his research in the immediate future is development of anticoccidial vaccines. Matthew has 53 journal articles to his credit and has taught genetics modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Research interests

Genomics of coccidian parasites in African livestock populations

Microbiome of Eimeria in poultry and ruminants

Anticoccidial vaccine design

Identification and selection signature of genes for adaptation to diseases of indigenous livestock population in Africa

Genetic characterization and improvement of indigenous livestock populations for improved livelihood of smallholders

Projects you're working on

Antigenic diversity Eimeria  in South Africa and immunoinformatics of its potential vaccine candidates

Bioinformatics Parasitology
Host species
Poultry Small ruminants
Parasites ParasitesEimeria
Stage of vaccine development
Antigen discovery and immunogen design