Okri Fréjus Hans
Okri Fréjus Hans
Research Unit in Applied Microbiology and Pharmacology of Natural Substances/ Laboratory of Research in Applied Biology/ University of Abomey-Calavi
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Okri Fréjus Hans OHOUKO, Ph.D., is a Junior researcher for the University of Abomey-Calavi at the Research Unit in Applied Microbiology and Pharmacology of natural substance. His laboratory focuses on antimicrobial resistance and alternative therapeutics against human and animal disease by plants valorization.
Okri Fréjus Hans OHOUKO works mainly about animal disease, especially African swine fever virus (ASFV). In response to the ASFV pandemic, he has experiment plants extract to cure pigs infected with the ASFV.
He won one of the best prize of research result vulgarization of the national contest “My thesis in 180s” in Benin and received a letter of congratulations from his Director of the Life and Earth Sciences Doctoral School.
OHOUKO is manly involved in the alternative therapeutics to fight against animal diseases, including ASFV. His goal is to allege farmer from investment losing due to diseases. To achieve this goal, he is focusing his research on médicinal plants molecule characterization, mechanisms of madicinal plants molecules to interact with immunity to microbes, to rationally design drugs for animal diseases.
He is well dedicated to research on animal viral diseases, plants efficacy and one health approach. Research interests
Pathogenesis, Afrcican swine fever disease vaccine, veterinary phytomedicine, Antimicrobial resistance
Bioinformatics Epidemiology Virology Host species
Dogs Pigs Poultry Zoonoses Pathogen
Parasites›Ticks Viruses Viruses›African swine fever virus Viruses›Classical swine fever virus Viruses›Foot-and-mouth disease virus Viruses›Infectious bursal disease virus Viruses›Newcastle disease virus Viruses›Peste des petits ruminants virus Viruses›Rabies virus Stage of vaccine development
Antigen discovery and immunogen design