Md. Ali Reza Faruk

Md. Ali Reza

Bangladesh Agricultural University

Dr. Md. Ali Reza Faruk is a Professor at the Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, Bangladesh where he leads the aquatic animal health research group. He completed his PhD in Fish disease and Immunology from the University of Stirling, UK and post-doc from the University of Aberdeen, UK. He was the head of the Department of Aquaculture, BAU for two years and was a recognised teacher at the University of Stirling, UK for a master’s programme in Aquatic Resource Development by distance learning. He has been working on fish disease and health management over 20 years and involved in a variety of fish disease based research projects funded by different national and international organizations. Dr Faruk's current work focuses on development of pangasius and tilapia vaccines in Bangladesh aquaculture. 

Research interests
Diagnosis and control of fish diseases,  Development of vaccines against important fish diseases in Bangladesh aquaculture,   Strategy development for fish health management,  Characterization of aquatic pathogens,  Use of aqua inputs, drugs and chemicals in aquaculture
Bacteriology Challenge model development Challenge study design Molecular biology Parasitology
Host species
Bacteria BacteriaAeromonas