I am a Glycoengineering and Glycobiology Associate Professor at the LSHTM. My work and my interests revolve around the biological characterisation and subsequent exploitation, of bacterial glycosylation systems. This is an exciting and ever evolving field of science where opportunities exist to make significant contributions to medicine and the health of both humans and animals. I am the first Royal Society of Edinburgh / BBSRC Enterprise Fellow to emanate from the LSHTM, based on being the co-founder of ArkVax, a company aiming to bring the latest glycoengineering discoveries to veterinary medicine. I have been principle, or co-principle investigator on 5 grants totalling over £7M of research funding. In total, my work has contributed to over £10M of successful grant funding to have been assigned to the LSHTM.
Bacteriology, Vaccinology, adjuvants, antigen design, synthetic biology, pathogenesis, one health.
I am currently co-PI or PI on several grants for the development of poultry and ruminant vaccines, investigating the immune response to glycoconjugate vaccines and developing solutions to bacterial diseases of both humans and animals for which current vaccines do not exist or have poor efficacy.