Ms. Farouk graduated from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt in 2013 with a bachelor's in veterinary sciences (BVSc), she had the privilege to work as Demonstrator in the Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases at the same faculty from 2014 to 2017 and as assistant lecturer in the same since 2017 till now. Ms. Farouk finished her master in veterinary sciences (MVSc) in 2017. Her master research focused on studying salmonellosis as one of the important causes of diarrhoea in sheep and goats in Egyptian flocks with the goals to estimate the prevalence of different Salmonella isolates using ordinary techniques for isolation and identification in addition to using of molecular techniques for further identification of the virulence and drug resistance genes. Manar decided to pursue her research on salmonellosis in sheep and goats through her thesis aiming to provide solutions for treatment and prevention of the disease that will help producers and small stakeholders whom rely on these animals a main source of income to combat the disease. Her PhD research involve more advanced molecular techniques for studying drug resistance genes expression in the isolated Salmonella species. A part of her PhD research is to investigate safe antimicrobial alternatives as Silver Nanoparticles and propolis ethanolic extract, and to develop a vaccine from the isolated strains. She has published one paper in International Journal of Nanomedicine (I.F: 5.166), and she has finished two manuscripts, submitted them to international journals and one of them is under press in Pakistan Journal of Zoology (I.F: 0.97). Ms. Farouk accomplished PhD degree in veterinary sciences (Infectious Diseases) on 16 February 2021.
She attained about thirty training courses at different agencies in order to develop her academic career. She has always attached importance to opening herself to the world. Thus, she participated in three international internship. She did her first internship in 2018 which was organized jointly by Cairo University (Egypt) and a university of Goettingen (Germany) with the theme: "International Summer School on Imported and Neglected Infectious Diseases: Joint Research forces to fight global problems", where she trained on advanced molecular techniques as recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) and its application in neglected diseases diagnosis; in October 2019 she attended an international summer school on bioinformatics organized jointly by Nile University (Egypt), Faculty of Science AL-AZHAR University (Egypt), Universitat Rostock (Germany) and Universistatmedizin Rostock (Germany) with the theme: "Empowering Computational Biology Research in Egypt (EG-CompBio)",where she trained on the basics of bioinformatics. Lastly, she participated in Stage 4 of the International Student Practice held at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia on 08-28 December, 2019 under project title " Genome “dactyloscopy” (DNA finger-printing) and gene expression: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) in action.
Her specialty and interests including studying infectious diseases of livestock especially diseases associated with economic impacts, clinical and laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases of livestock and pet animals, molecular epidemiology and risk assessment of infectious diseases, molecular diagnostic techniques and antimicrobial resistance and safe antimicrobial alternatives.
On the personal level, she is very enthusiastic, ambitious, hard worker and enjoys working in a team with Great Spirit of responsibility and humor.
My specialty and interests including studying infectious diseases of livestock especially diseases associated with economic impacts, clinical and laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases of livestock and pet animals, molecular epidemiology and risk assessment of infectious diseases, molecular diagnostic techniques and antimicrobial resistance and safe antimicrobial alternatives.
Investigation of safe antimicrobial alternatives for control of multi-drug resistant pathogens.