Baenyi Simon
Patrick Baenyi Simon is a Congolese citizen working as an assistant lecturer with the Evangelical University in Africa at the Department of Animal Production. Actually, he is a PhD candidate in Animal Genetics and Breeding at the University of Nairobi. His research project is focussed on the assessment of genetic diversity and signatures of selection on candidate Genes associated with prolificacy and milk production in indigenous goats of the DR congo. He has attended many trainings related to his research domain. The most important focussed on genomic selection, introduction to molecular biology and Bioinformatics, Application of GBS data in breeding programs, Livestock Genomics and Bioinformatics (applications for genomics data, tools and materials), Transferable "Soft" skills for scientists, Advanced Genomics and Bioinformatics,... He has published articles in animal production disciplines :animal behaviour, animal breeding, animal production systems, animal conservation, ...
Patrick Baenyi simon worked with BecA ILRI-Hub as a research fellow for 9 months. He has others assets and abilities in research.
I am interested in Animal genetics and breeding, animal health, and in Bioinformatics
I am working on the Assessment of the genetic diversity and signatures of selection on genes associated with prolificacy and milk production in indigenous goat of DR Congo.
Additionally, I am a member of research unit working on animal and human diseases including Pest des petits ruminants, SRAS COV-2 and African swine fever in the Democratic Republic of Congo.