Charlie Franck Alfred
I was born in Côte d'Ivoire in West Africa where I successfully completed primary and secondary school. Following this stage, in 2002, a political crisis shook the Ivory Coast and thus forced my parents to return to Burkina Faso which is my country of origin. In spite of the disorientation and the courses that I started with a delay of three months, I was able to validate the school year. Thus, it is in 2009 that I obtained my university entrance diploma. I began my studies in general Agrnomy for two years where I obtained the diploma of general university studies in Agronomy. For the third academic year, I am in the obligation to rejoin the capital in order to continue my training in the discipline that interests me: Biochemistry coupled with microbology. In 2014 I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry Microbiology. Thus, this License allowed me to be selected for a Master in medical parasitology. Today I am a PhD student who has been working for 3 years now on medical control tools and strategies for the elimination of Human African Trypanosomiasis in my country Burkina Faso.
I am interested in all disciplines related to parasitology and epidemiology. As we work on molecular and serological diagnostic tools, I am particularly interested in molecular biology and immunology. However, I am also delighted to have knowledge in Bioinformatics and public health which are also an importants disciplines for me.
Currently, I am doing my PHD on tools and control strategies for the elimination of human African trypanosomiasis. So we are working to evaluate the available diagnostic tools (molecular and serological) in order to identify the most efficient algorthimes in terms of sensitivity and specificity but also in terms of cost. This will allow us to propose these new tools and strategies for a better monitoring of sleeping sickness. It should be noted that our team is also working on the issues of animal reservoir which represents a reservoir of parasite especially in pigs. Studies are therefore conducted in this direction to understand in depth the role of pigs in the epidemiology of sleeping sickness.