Brice Natchema Soh Fonkou

Natchema Soh Fonkou

PhD student
University of Yaounde 1 / Center for Research In Infectious Diseases

My name is Natchema Soh Fonkou Brice

I got my Bachelor degree at the University of Yaounde I (Cameroon) in "Animal Biology and Physiology".

My Master degree has been obtained in the same University, Option : "Parasitology and Ecology", where i worked on the epidemiology of Neglected Tropical Disease (mainly Schistosomiasis and Geohelminthiasis). 

Now, i am a PhD student in the same university working on malaria vector control/ malaria transmission/insecticide resistance/resistance gene....

Research interests

Contribute to reduce the malaria burden in Cameroon and across Africa.

Projects you're working on

I am working on the molecular basis of malaria vectors resistance to the insecticides and its implication on malaria transmission

Epidemiology Molecular biology Parasitology Statistics