Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University
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Professor Attia graduated at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University. He was among the top 1% of his class. After isolating a camel pestivirus for the first time in the world, he was given the opportunity to study for a PhD in the US. He was awarded his PhD in 2002 at South Dakota State University. In the US, he did his research in the Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory. Upon his return to Cairo University, he worked in the Department of Virology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and held the position of department head for three years. He also served on the Faculty Board and the Graduate Studies Board for several years. As a career educator, he helped with formulating the Egyptian National Academic Reference Standards for the Veterinary Education. He also helped in the design and execution of several undergraduate and graduate level programs and courses. He published several papers on developing diagnostic reagents and vaccines for the control of emerging transboundary pathogens like lumpy skin disease and camelpox viruses. He helped establish the Central Biotechnology Laboratory of King Faisal University and worked as an associate professor in Al-Baha University. He served as the dean’s assistant for international cooperation at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Cairo University. His work involving international cooperation allowed for the creation of the China – Egypt Joint Laboratory for Control and Prevention of Animal Diseases and, allowed for agreements that facilitated generation of money and support for international master’s programs development. His current research focus is on improving vaccines and vaccine-based control programs for Newcastle disease, Rift Valley fever, foot and mouth disease, avian influenza, and infectious bursal disease; including green vaccines produced in microalgae. In addition, his research group has recently unveiled the presence of Equine hepaciviruses in Egypt, a transboundary genotype of fish iridoviruses, and the viral cause of massive tilapia mortalities in Egyptian aquacultures. His work also uncovered the underlying cause behind the failure to control the 2018 outbreak of lumpy skin disease. Moreover, professor Attia has been entrusted with development of the conceptual and operational designs of the National Company for Animal Production’s first and second biosafety level (BSL) 2 and 3 veterinary research and diagnostic facilities. Professor Attia also worked with the industry on several aspects of research and development, production and, quality control of vaccines including the design of an avian influenza production facility and served on the board of one government-owned company. The ideas and technologies developed by professor Attia in the field of vaccinology attracted the attention of the private sector and allowed him to cofound the research and development company Bioshield International Research and Development, Ltd. His vaccine production expertise also included working as a manager of technical operations for a large privately-owned national vaccine production company. Finally, professor Attia is recognized as a virology and vaccinology expert by the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development of the Arab League, the Egyptian General Organization of Veterinary Services, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). He has recently joined the experts of the Near East Group for Vaccination Advice, guidance, and Consultation (GVA) of the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (EuFMD) of the FAO. Research interests
Vaccinology, molecular diagnostics and early warning systems.
Bio-manufacturing Challenge study design Clinical trials – efficacy Clinical trials – safety Epidemiology Formulation technology Molecular biology QC test development Safety evaluation Virology Host species
Camels Cattle Dogs Fish Horses Poultry Small ruminants Wildlife Zoonoses Pathogen
Viruses Viruses›Adenovirus Viruses›Bovine viral diarrhoea Viruses›Calicivirus Viruses›Capripoxvirus Viruses›Chicken anaemia virus Viruses›Foot-and-mouth disease virus Viruses›Infectious bursal disease virus Viruses›Influenza virus Viruses›Newcastle disease virus Viruses›Paramyxoviruses Viruses›Parvovirus Viruses›Peste des petits ruminants virus Viruses›Poxviruses Viruses›Rabies virus Viruses›Rift Valley fever virus Stage of vaccine development
Adjuvants Antigen discovery and immunogen design Clinical trials Correlates of protection – immunomonitoring Field trials Vaccine delivery