Eduardo M. LeaƱo is currently the Senior Programme Officer of Aquatic Animal Health Programme, Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia-Pacific (NACA) based in Bangkok, Thailand. He manages the Asia Regional Aquatic Animal Health Programme and provides specialist advice on aquatic animal health matters. He graduated BSc in Inland Fisheries (1989) from Central Luzon State University, Philippines, MSc in Fisheries (1993) from the University of the Philippines Visayas, and PhD in Applied Biology (Microbiology; 1999) from the City University of Hong Kong. He worked as Researcher/Scientist at the Aquaculture Department of Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC AQD) in Iloilo, Philippines (until 2001), and as post-doctoral research fellow at Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute (2002-2003) and National Taiwan Ocean University (2004-2010), Keelung Taiwan. His fields of specialization are aquatic animal health and aquatic microbiology (specifically marine and freshwater mycology). He has published more than 50 scientific articles (in international and national journals) and book chapters, and co-edited four books in aquaculture and two proceedings in aquatic animal health and antimicrobial resistance. He is a peer reviewer of several national and international journals including Aquaculture, Reviews in Aquaculture, Aquaculture Research, Fish Pathology, Botanica Marina, Fungal Diversity, Indian Journal of Marine Science, and Philippine Science Letters.
Aquatic animal health
Biosecurity in aquaculture, AMU and AMR in aquaculture, aquatic animal health management