Deputy Director for Vaccination at the Ministry of Public Health
UNIVERSITY OF YAOUNDE 1 and Ministry of Public Health
View profileBiography
Dr. Adidja Amani is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Yaoundé I and the Deputy Director for Vaccination at the Ministry of Public Health. Adidja holds a Doctorate of Medicine from FMBS, a Master of Public Health from Georgia State University in Atlanta (USA), a Post Graduate in Pediatric Nutrition from Boston University, and a certificate in public Management from the Virginia Commonwealth University. She also works on vaccine hesitancy as a topic for her PhD. She is a recipient of the Excellence award, the Fulbright, the Mandela Washington Fellowship, the Weston Grant, the Excellence Prize for young doctor Leader, and the Immunization champion Awards 2021. She is fluent in French, English
Research interests
Projects you're working on
COVID Vaccines deployment
Challenge study design Clinical trials – efficacy Clinical trials – safety Deployment Epidemiology Safety evaluation Social sciences Host species
Zoonoses Pathogen
Bacteria Bacteria›E. coli Parasites Parasites›Nematodes Viruses Viruses›Adenovirus Viruses›Ebolaviruses/filoviruses Viruses›Rotavirus Stage of vaccine development
Adjuvants Clinical trials Commercialisation Correlates of protection – immunomonitoring Deployment Field trials Marketing Pre-clinical trials Vaccine delivery