Veterinary pharmaceutical professional, specialising in the discovery and development of new products for veterinary species to reduce the impact of disease. Providing support to span the gap between academic research and commercialisable outcomes.
Research interests
Understanding host-pathogen interactions and molecular dissection of pathogens to identify targets for disease intervention.
Projects you're working on
Particular interest in opportunities in aquaculture.
Bacteriology Bio-manufacturing Challenge model development Challenge study design Clinical trials – efficacy Clinical trials – safety Commercialisation Deployment Economics Ethics Formulation technology Molecular biology Parasitology Protein biology QC test development Quality assurance Registration Regulation Safety evaluation Virology Host species
Cats Cattle Dogs Fish Horses Pigs Small ruminants Zoonoses Pathogen
Bacteria Viruses Stage of vaccine development
Adjuvants Antigen discovery and immunogen design Clinical trials Commercialisation Correlates of protection – immunomonitoring Deployment Field trials Marketing Pre-clinical trials Vaccine delivery