Saddam Mohammed Ibrahim

Saddam Mohammed

Lecturer, Assistant Professor
University of Gondar

I completed my doctorate degree (DVM) in veterinary medicine in 2015 from University of Gondar, Ethiopia. After working at the university for one year as a lecturer, I studied vaccinology in an Erasmus Mundus masters program hosted by five European universities and coordinated by UCBL-1, Lyon. My research was focused on NK cell response of breast cancer patients to a carbohydrate mimetic peptide vaccine against breast cancer which took place in university of Arkansas for medical sciences, USA. Currently, I am working at university of Gondar as an assistant professor participating in teaching, research, and community service. Vaccine immune response, vaccine development and evaluation, and vaccine epidemiology are among my main research interests. 

Research interests

Infection immunity, Vaccine immune response, vaccine development and evaluation, and vaccine epidemiology are among my main research interests. 

Bioinformatics Challenge model development Challenge study design Clinical trials – efficacy Clinical trials – safety Epidemiology Formulation technology Immunology – B-cells Immunology – T-cells Immunology – innate Molecular biology Systems biology Virology
Host species
Cats Cattle Dogs Fish Horses Pigs Poultry Small ruminants Zoonoses
Bacteria Viruses
Stage of vaccine development
Adjuvants Antigen discovery and immunogen design Clinical trials Correlates of protection – immunomonitoring Field trials Pre-clinical trials Vaccine delivery