This is Keya Ghosh, a veterinarian, completed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chattogram, Bangladesh in 2020. She have been studying Masters of Science at the Department of Microbiology and Veterinary Public Health of Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chattogram, Bangladesh. Currently she is working as research assistant in Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF) program “One Health Poultry Hub” supported from the United Kingdom Research Innovation (UKRI. She has received a fellowship from the National Science & Technology & University Grants Commission (UGC) Bangladesh Post Graduate Research Grant. My favourite hobby is singing, reading books and listening music. She have immense interest in the research of classical, molecular microbiology and virology.
,Classical microbiology, Molecular biology, virology and it's relevant field.
UKRI GCRF One Health Poultry Hub project,
Scanning domestic and captive wild birds in Bangladesh for an emerging pathogen, Escherichia albertii, funded by UGC through CVASU,
BALZAC project