Mohd Faizal Ghazali

Mohd Faizal


Ts. Dr. Mohd Faizal Ghazali has a Diploma in animal health (DAHP) and Doctor in Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Awarded full scholarship by the government of Malaysia where he successfully obtained a Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Animal Production and Public Health from the University of Glasgow, UK. He was deputy director for the Institute of Agriculture & Food Industry Research from 2015-2017 and appointed as the deputy director of UniSZA Centre of Farm Management in 2018-2020. He was later been appointed as the Head of School of Animal, Aquatic and Environment Sciences, UniSZA from 2020-2022. Dr. Faizal is a senior lecturer in the Department of Animal Science in UniSZA teaching zoonotic diseases and veterinary public health. His research mainly focuses on AMR and disease biomarkers in animal. He has keen interests in positive youth development programs; outreach projects that educate and promote awareness on AMR and zoonotic diseases to the rural community and university students in Malaysia.

Research interests

Occupational and veterinary public health

Projects you're working on

Antimicrobial resistant (AMR), Mastitis, CLA, Q Fever, Animal disease biomarkers

Bacteriology Epidemiology Protein biology Systems biology
Host species
Cats Cattle Small ruminants Zoonoses
Stage of vaccine development
Pre-clinical trials