I got my DVM in 2004 and then studied Veterinary Microbiology at Masters degree in 2008 and Molecular Virology during my Ph.D study in 2014 at Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI). I am Virologist by specialty. Currently, I am coordinating the Health Biotechnology Directorate of the Ethiopian Biotechnology Institute(EBTI). I was a visiting scientist at IVRI through the CV Raman fellowship in 2017. Before Joining EBTI, I was working at the National Veterinary Institute (NVI) as Senior Researcher (Virology) at the R & D Directorate from 2016-2017. I performed routine Virology research activity and heading the lab for one year. I was also working at Jimma University, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine with the academic rank of Associate Professor of Virology from 2014-2016 and as Assistant Professor of Veterinary Microbiology from 2008-2014. I taught and examined DVM, M.Sc.,Ph.D students at Jimma University and other different universities like Haromaya, Gnodor, Mekele Universities as invited guest. I participated different conferences and presented many papers. I won different research grants. I worked also at Benishangul Gumuz regional state, agricultural and rural development bureau as senior veterinarian from 2004-2006.
My research area focuses on viral disease investigation at serological, molecular and Virological level. I had different research projects while I was working at Jimma university and NVI on Bluetongue virus, African Horse Sickness virus, Infectious Bursal Disease virus and Newcastle disease virus, Marek's Disease (MD) virus, Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD). I tried to identify the prevailing serotypes of the above viruses and their phylogenetic scenario in Ethiopia. I am also interested to develop conventional and modern types of vaccines, development of different diagnostic methods for the above viruses.