Molalegne Bitew


Ethiopian Biotechnology Institute (EBTI)

I got my DVM in 2004 and then studied Veterinary Microbiology at Masters degree in 2008 and Molecular Virology during my Ph.D study in 2014 at Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI). I am Virologist by specialty. Currently, I am coordinating the Health Biotechnology Directorate of the Ethiopian Biotechnology Institute(EBTI). I was a visiting scientist at IVRI through the CV Raman fellowship in 2017. Before Joining EBTI, I was working at the National Veterinary Institute (NVI) as Senior Researcher (Virology) at the R & D Directorate from 2016-2017. I performed routine Virology research activity and heading the lab for one year. I was also working at Jimma University, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine with the academic rank of Associate Professor of Virology from 2014-2016 and as Assistant Professor of Veterinary Microbiology from 2008-2014. I taught and examined DVM, M.Sc.,Ph.D students at Jimma University and other different universities like Haromaya, Gnodor, Mekele Universities as invited guest. I participated different conferences and presented many papers. I won different research grants. I worked also at Benishangul Gumuz regional state, agricultural and rural development bureau as senior veterinarian from 2004-2006. 

Research interests

My research area focuses on viral disease investigation at serological, molecular and Virological level. I had different research projects while I was working at Jimma university and NVI on Bluetongue virus, African Horse Sickness virus, Infectious Bursal Disease virus and Newcastle disease virus, Marek's Disease (MD) virus, Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD). I tried to identify the prevailing serotypes of the above viruses and their phylogenetic scenario in Ethiopia. I am also interested to develop conventional and modern types of vaccines, development of different diagnostic methods for the above viruses.

Bacteriology Bioinformatics Challenge study design Clinical trials – efficacy Clinical trials – safety Immunology – B-cells Immunology – T-cells Molecular biology
Host species
Poultry Small ruminants Zoonoses
Viruses VirusesAfrican horse sickness virus VirusesBluetongue virus VirusesBovine viral diarrhoea VirusesChicken anaemia virus VirusesCoronavirus VirusesInfectious bursal disease virus VirusesMareks disease virus VirusesNewcastle disease virus VirusesPoxviruses VirusesRift Valley fever virus VirusesRotavirus
Stage of vaccine development
Adjuvants Clinical trials