IDIKA, Mabel Ihuoma Ph.D., has a B.Tech degree in Biochemistry, a PGDE, Masters, and Ph.D. in Science (chemistry) Education from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, where she is currently a Lecturer in Chemistry Education. She is registered with the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN), American Chemical Society (ACS), and an active member of the Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN), Organisation of Women in Sciences for the Developing world (OWSD), and the International Society for Teacher Education (ISfTE, Associate member). At the university, she provides valuable mentorship and academic supervision to both undergraduates and postgraduates, including their teaching practicum and research. She has published a number of journal papers and attended academic conferences and workshops, both at local and international levels. Her interests and areas of expertise include educational consulting, teacher training/professional development, research in innovative pedagogy, science learning methods and gender. Research interests
Science Education [chemistry]; innovative pedagogy; gender in science learning