My primary research interest is in infectious diseases with emphasis on emerging and zoonotic diseases. I perform basic and applied/translational research in vaccinology (subunit vaccines), diagnostics, host-pathogen interactions, antiviral methods and disease pathogenesis with the goal of developing novel and effective countermeasures against infectious diseases. My current research efforts and interests include a variety of pathogens of zoonotic and agricultural importance such as Rift Valley fever virus and Heartwater (Ehrlichia ruminantium infection) as well as African swine fever virus, schmallenberg disease virus, epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus, infectious bronchitis virus, and prions. Additionally, I am interested in collaborative research in pathogen transmission dynamics that includes the ecology and molecular epidemiology of disease emergence. I am interested in promoting research, training and capacity building through national and international collaboration. I have strong interest in collaborative research, nationally and internationally, and appreciate the value of cross-disciplinary research and one-health approach to addressing the impact and threat of infectious diseases globally.
Vaccine development for transboundary livestock and emerging infectious diseases, molecular epidemiology of infectious diseases and development of rapid point-of-care diagnostics