Wilfred Kule


Director livestock information center
Livestock information center
Am Wilfred kule born in 1994 in kasese district, western uganda Africa.i hold a Bsc.in animal production and management from busitema University, graduate class of 2023.with a team of other veterinary practioners, we offer extension services to Ugandan farmers under our organization (Livestock information center).Our major objective is to improve production and productivity.
Research interests
Tick vaccines Vaccines against venereal diseases
Projects you're working on
Pooled vaccination for farmers in Western uganda
Bacteriology Commercialisation Economics Ethics Protein biology Quality assurance
Host species
Cattle Small ruminants
Bacteria BacteriaBrucella BacteriaClostridia BacteriaE. coli BacteriaLeptospira BacteriaSalmonella Parasites ParasitesBabesia ParasitesCestodes ParasitesEimeria ParasitesNematodes ParasitesTheileria parva ParasitesTicks Viruses VirusesBovine viral diarrhoea VirusesFoot-and-mouth disease virus VirusesRabies virus VirusesRift Valley fever virus
Stage of vaccine development
Clinical trials Field trials Marketing Vaccine delivery