Perez Martin
Perez Martin
Senior Scientist
The Pirbright Institute
I studied for her DVM at the University of Barcelona, Spain. After completing my PhD in Medicine and Animal Health at the Centre of Research in Animal Health (CReSA), Barcelona, I took up a post-doctoral position at Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC), USA. During this time, I worked on the innate immune response and the use of biotherapeutics for controlling foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). I then moved to a second postdoc at The Pirbright Institute, in the UK, where I am currently investigating the development of new vaccines against FMD and the persistence of FMD virus in mice models and in its natural host, the African buffalo. Research interests
Germinal Center vs extrafollicular Immune responses after virus infections/vaccination.
Immunological techniques and bioassays Projects you're working on
BMGF=VLP FMD vaccines
EEID= Multiscales infection dynamics from cells to landscape: FMDV in Buffalo Discipline
Immunology – B-cells Immunology – T-cells Immunology – innate Virology Host species
Buffalo Cattle Pigs Wildlife Pathogen
Viruses Viruses›Foot-and-mouth disease virus Stage of vaccine development
Correlates of protection – immunomonitoring Pre-clinical trials Vaccine delivery