Research Assisstant
Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization-Veterinary Science Research Institute (KALRO-VSRI)
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With a background in bioinformatics and molecular biology, my expertise lies in the study of pathogenic microorganisms. I am passionate about developing innovative vaccines and rapid diagnostic kits to advance veterinary healthcare practices. I am also deeply interested in understanding the intricate relationships between hosts, pathogens, and vectors to improve animal health. My goal is to contribute to the development of resilient livestock systems by applying research findings on these dynamic relationships. Research interests
1. Exploring sequence data and genomic data of pathogenic microorganisms to develop novel veterinary vaccines and rapid diagnostic kits, with the goal of improving current veterinary healthcare practices.
2. Examining the complex dynamics among hosts, pathogens, and vectors to gain insights into the tripartite relationship and its implications for animal health.
3. Applying research findings on the dynamics of host-pathogen-vector relationships to foster the development of more resilient livestock systems for improved animal health and performance. Projects you're working on
I am part of a team currently working on the camel mastitis subunit vaccine. Discipline
Bacteriology Bioinformatics Cellular biology Immunology – B-cells Immunology – T-cells Immunology – innate Molecular biology Host species
Camels Cattle Pigs Poultry Small ruminants Zoonoses Pathogen
Bacteria Bacteria›Brucella Bacteria›E. coli Bacteria›Mycoplasma Bacteria›Salmonella Parasites›Theileria annulata Parasites›Theileria parva Parasites›Ticks Stage of vaccine development
Antigen discovery and immunogen design