Vaccine Production and Facilities Manager
National Agricultural Research Organization
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Dr. Andrew Kiggundu completed his Ph.D. at the University of Pretoria, South Africa in plant biotechnology with a specialization in recombinant protein engineering. He has served as leader of the Biotechnology and Biodiversity Programme at the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) leading teams that work towards sustainable utilization of genetic resources. Developing biotechnology tools from molecular to transgenic plants, biosafety, and regulatory systems. Currently coordinating the genome editing platform at NARO, lead consultant at Papyrus Biotechnology Limited a Ugandan research and consultancy firm on applications of biotechnology across agriculture, healthcare, and the environment. He is also the chairman of the Biotechnology and Biosafety Consortium of Uganda. Research interests
Low cost production of plant expressed recombinant antigen vaccines for Africa. Projects you're working on
Anti-tick vaccine production in Uganda based on recombinant subolesin Discipline
Bio-manufacturing Bioinformatics Cellular biology Commercialisation Molecular biology Protein biology Regulation Host species
Cattle Pigs Poultry Pathogen
Bacteria›E. coli Viruses Viruses›African swine fever virus Viruses›Foot-and-mouth disease virus Viruses›Newcastle disease virus Stage of vaccine development