researcher and virologist
Institiute of veterinary medicine, Mongolia
My name is Erdenechimeg. I am a researcher at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine in Mongolia with a background in virology. I have been working on the development of a diagnostic kit and a preventive inactivated vaccine for lumpy skin disease. Leveraging my expertise as a virologist, I aim to enhance our capabilities in diagnosing and preventing this disease, thereby contributing to the health and well-being of livestock.
Research interests
My research focuses on developing diagnostic preparations and preventive vaccines for animal viral diseases Projects you're working on
We are currently involved in isolating the virus responsible for lumpy skin disease, a prevalent condition diagnosed in Mongolia. Our objective is to develop diagnostic tools and a preventive vaccine to effectively combat this disease Discipline
Challenge model development Challenge study design Virology Host species
Cattle Dogs Small ruminants Pathogen
Viruses Viruses›Capripoxvirus Viruses›Herpesvirus Viruses›Paramyxoviruses Viruses›Peste des petits ruminants virus Stage of vaccine development
Adjuvants Antigen discovery and immunogen design Clinical trials