John Harvey Santos (Harvey Santos) is a third-year PhD candidate at the Centre for Animal Science, QAAFI. He holds a Bachelor of Biological Engineering and a Masters in Animal Vaccine Technology.
In 2022, he joined QAAFI to develop a vaccine for Tritrichomonas foetus, a parasite responsible for Trichomonosis, a venereal disease in cattle. Currently, Australia lacks a vaccine for this disease, leaving culling as the only control method. Given that Trich is difficult to culture, a subunit vaccine offers a more practical and effective solution.
Harvey’s research aims to harness genomics to develop this much-needed vaccine, with potential to significantly improve herd fertility and boost productivity in the Australian beef industry. His work contributes to sustainable cattle-health management, reducing economic losses and providing a game-changing solution for Australian beef producers. Research interests
Parasitology, Vaccine development, Immunology Discipline
Bioinformatics Parasitology Host species
Cattle Pathogen
Parasites Stage of vaccine development
Field trials