I received my first degree, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), from Urmia University, Iran in 1995. I obtained my PhD in the field of molecular virology from the University of Melbourne, Australia in 2007. The title of my PhD project was “Molecular pathogenesis of chicken anaemia virus”. I have intermittently worked in Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute (RVSRI) in Iran since 2008 and had research opportunities to work in Asia Pacific Centre for Animal Health (APCAH) in the University of Melbourne. At RVSRI, I worked within R&D of department of Viral Poultry Vaccines Production and Research and I am now in charge of one of the main divisions, related to research on poultry, honey bee, silk worm and wild life diseases. The division consists of four departments and two national reference laboratories and I am also the head of Avian Viral Diseases Research department.
I have experiences in bench work, development and management of research programs, teaching and mentoring students. I am enthusiastic and highly motivated to learn, teach and research on veterinary (especially poultry) viral diseases and vaccine development.
Molecular virology, Vaccine development, virus-host interactions, viral evolution