I am interested in understanding the host-pathogen interactions which influence the outcomes of infection(s). Through such work we might be able to develop better/improved vaccines. I have a PhD in immunology and virology. I am biased towards veterinary diseases, because in Africa, they have not been well characterized and also there is need to improve the veterinary vaccines currently available in most parts of the continent. Most of the vaccines available while effective, they are mostly 1st generation vaccines and there is clear need to develop improved vaccines which don't have some of the disadvantages associated with 1st generation vaccines.
veterinary vaccines, host-pathogen interactions, immune responses against pathogens, vaccine improvement, field trials, clinical trials,
The projects am working on include,
1. Monitoring the performance of vaccines to ensure that the vaccines are protective against circulating strains,
2. Improving the vaccines through use of different adjuvants to increase the duration of immunity