Oluwadamilola Arowolo


National Veterinary Research Institute PMB 01 Vom Plateau State, Nigeria

Name: Dr Oluwadamilola Arowolo

Nationality: Nigerian

Gender, Marital Status: Female, Single

Present Employer: National Veterinary Research Institute, PMB 01, Vom, Nigeria

Position: Principal Veterinary Research Officer

Education: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria (2007); MRes Infection and Immunobiology, University of Glasgow (2013); PhD Advanced Virology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria (in view)

Personal Statement:I am a veterinary research officer and an animal vaccine producer. I have excellent use of cell culture and embryonating chicken egg substrates in viral vaccine production. I carry out routine quality tests to ascertain sterility, safety, potency and efficacy of vaccines. I have a penchant for improving vaccine production output in my laboratory, by introducing faster and cheaper alternative protocols, and designing multivalent vaccines and thermostable vaccines.

I am currently enrolled for a PhD in advanced virology, to investigate the cause of Infectious Bursal Disease post-vaccination failure in chicken flocks and to develop an effective indigenous Infectious Bursal Disease vaccine from locally circulating virus strains in my country

Research interests

1.Development and production of indigenous animal viral vaccines from locally circulating strains in Nigeria 2. Development of multivalent and thermostable vaccines for the prevention of livestock infectious diseases in Africa 3. Post vaccination surveillance and evaluation of vaccine efficacy in the field 4. Screening for endogenous viral contaminants in vaccines