Jose Gustavo
Ramirez Paredes
I’m a qualified veterinary practitioner (DVM) with a doctoral degree (PhD) in aquatic veterinary studies from the Institute of Aquaculture University of Stirling in Scotland UK. After completing a 2 years postdoc at the Institute of Aquaculture I have now joined Ridgeway Biologicals Ltd a vaccine company based in Compton England https://www.ridgewaybiologicals.co.uk/ where I drive the aquaculture business as a “vaccine development specialist”.
My main interests are the pathogenesis of bacterial diseases that affect the fish farming industry (fresh and seawater in cold and warm water environments) and the development of inactivated vaccines to control them in the field. My current research focuses on 1) The isolation, identification and characterisation of emerging bacterial pathogens that affect farmed fish. 2) The formulation of inactivated autogenous vaccines on the basis of genomics and proteomics. 3) The in vivo assessment of their efficacy under controlled conditions. I also have a particular interest on in the systematics and taxonomy of aquaculture related bacterial pathogens.