Ayatollah Ibrahim Ibrahim Bassiouny
Current position: Senior Researcher at Pox department-Veterinary Serum and Vaccine Research
Education: Ayatollah had his first degree in Veterinary Sciences in 2002 and MVSc in Veterinary virology Cairo University in 2002 (trails for production of enhanced live attenuated camel pox vaccine), He then awarded a PhD in Veterinary virology, University of Cairo in 2012 (isolation antigenic and genomic charcterization of camel pox virus in Egypt). Ayatollah was interested in veterinary virology and vaccine production especially Pox viruses (Lumpy Skin Disease, Camel Pox and Sheep Pox Viruses).
Contact details: Email address:
aytollah@hotmail.com- (+202) 01001919560
31 Ibrahim Abou Elnaga, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.
veterinary virology and vaccine production especially Pox viruses (Lumpy Skin Disease, Camel Pox and Sheep Pox Viruses-fowl and pegion pox viruses)