I am currently studying for a Phd Student in Infection and immunity at the university of Edinburgh, R(D)SVS and Roslin Institute. As an early career researcher, from IVVN, I hope to benefit form research, trainings, symposiums and conferences to enhance my scientific skills . I am also hoping being a member will enable me effectively communicate and collaborate with other researchers and partner organisations.
My current research project is on the epidemiology of Bovine viral diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) in Tanzanian small holder dairy cattle. I am trying the find out the prevalence, risk facors health outcomes and economic impact of the disease in Tanzania specifically, and I am doing this by conduction serological diagnostics (ELISA) to determine seropositivity on over 2,000 samples, and futher along, conduct PCRs to establish genetic diversity of types and strains. Concurrently, I am conducting systemastic reviews of BVD in LMIC to provide a picture of risk factors, health and economic impact in those regions
Vaccine development stages is of interest to me. Coinfection exists as a risk factor to the negative impact of BVD, therefore i am intersted in the production of vaccines to tackle BVD or its coinfections
My current research project is on the Epidemiology of Bovine viral diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) in Tanzanian small holder dairy cattle. I am trying the find out the prevalence, risk factors health outcomes and economic impact of the disease in Tanzania specifically, and I am doing this by conducting serological diagnostics (ELISA) to determine seropositivity on over 2,000 samples, and further along, conduct PCRs to establish genetic diversity of types and strains. Concurrently, I am conducting systematic reviews of BVD in LMIC to provide a picture of risk factors, health and economic impact in those regions and identify and gaps in research