I qualified as a veterinarian in 2008 and spent two years in general practice, before returning to undertake a four year BBSRC – CASE industrial studentship studying acute phase proteins in chickens, with Aviagen as the industrial partner. I combine two part-time positions: I am a teaching fellow at the University of Edinburgh working on the M.Sc. International Animal Health/Global Health & Infectious disease programmes. I am the course organiser for SCQF level 11 courses on Host responses to infectious disease, Technical advances in veterinary and medical diagnostics, Vaccinology and Food security. I am also a research associate at the University of Glasgow, currently funded by an Innovate UK grant which is focusing on the development of multiplex POC diagnostics for dairy mastitis. I have previously been involved in research on poultry biomarkers and I am currently involved in companion animal research focusing on canine diarrhoea. My interest in vaccinology stems from my previous work as a vet in the field and more recently the poultry, bovine and canine immunology research areas I am working in. As I deliver a Vaccinology course I have a broad interest in the field and enjoy discussing and sharing insights with others with a similar interests.
Proteomics, Biomarker discovery, Acute phase proteins, Assay development, Point of Care