Hari Mohan
Dr. H M Saxena served as a Professor of Immunology for 20 years at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University (GADVASU), Ludhiana where he was also the Head of the Department of Veterinary Microbiology for 4 years & 3 months. He has 30 years of work experience, including 24 years of experience in teaching and research and administrative experience of 9 years & 5 months. He was the Director (Resident Instructions) cum Dean, Postgraduate Studies (with additional charge of Director, Veterinary Clinical Complex) at Bihar Animal Sciences University (BASU), Patna for 1 year & 2 ½ months. He has served as the Counsellor (S&T) (Diplomat in the rank of Director) in the Embassy of India, Moscow, Russia (concurrently accredited to Ukraine & Belarus also) for 3 years & 9 months. Dr. Saxena is an eminent educationist and a teacher par excellence. He has been bestowed with the Lifetime Education Excellence Award and Medal by AIBDA, Eminent Educationist Award by the Indus Found., Hyd. and Dr. S Radhakrishnan Lifetime Achievement National Award in teaching by IRDP. He is a scientist of international repute and was conferred National Excellence Award by LSF, India, Lifetime Achievement Award by Venus Int’l Found., Chennai and Distinguished Scientist Award by the World Res. Council. He has obtained patents in USA, Europe, China, South Africa and India for innovations in diagnosis of diseases. He is a Fellow of the World Innovation Foundation (UK), National Academy of Veterinary Sciences (India), ISVIB, Ind Assoc of Applied Microbiologists, Society for Appl Biotechnology and Soc. for Sci. Dev. in Agri. & Technology. He has won FM Burnet Award, Scientist Award, Mid-Career Scientist Award and Young Scientist Award Gold Medals of ISVIB and the ISHEER Award Silver Medal of the Ind. Soc. for Hlth. Edu. Env. & Res., Rana Memorial Award of Assoc. of Microbiologists of India, and RRK Shukla Award of Indian Assoc. Advanc. Vet. Res. He is a Senior Expert of the Asia Pacific CEO Association Worldwide and was a Member of the Expert Panel on Vaccines of the European Society for Translational Medicine. He was a Member of the Steering Committee of the Science Advisory Board, USA and the President of the Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology & Biotechnology (ISVIB). He is a Member of Immunology Advisory Board of WebMedCentral (UK) and a Member of Immunology Editorial Board of WebMedCentral Plus, UK. He has been a Review Editor of Frontiers in Immunology (the official journal of International Union of Immunological Societies; Frontiers is a strategic partner of Nature Publishing Group), is an Editor of the Journal of Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology Research (Academic Journals, N York, USA) and an Editorial Consultant of the Indian Journal of Veterinary Research. He was a Member of the Board of Management, Academic Council and Research Council and Chairman of the Postgraduate Board of Studies of BASU and Member of the Academic Council and the Postgraduate Committee of GADVASU. He had been the Member Secretary of Institutional Animal Ethics Committee of GADVASU for 5 years. He is a Member of Expert Panels of Agricultural Scientists’ Recruitment Board, Union Public Service Commission, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Veterinary Council of India and Bihar Vikas Mission and Selection Committees of universities (HAU, BHU, CSKHPKVV). Dr. Saxena has a first class BVSc & AH degree, a first class MVSc degree in Veterinary Pathology and a PhD degree in Immunology (University of Nottingham, UK). He studied NS Tripos II at the University of Cambridge, UK and course in Immunology at the University of Tokyo, Japan. He was the Principal Investigator of two R&D projects funded by Deptt of Biotechnology (Min. of S&T) and University Grants Commission. Edited two books (1 published by Verlag DM, Germany & 1 Allied Publishers). He has published 99 original research papers, 17 chapters in books, 17 articles, 45 scientific bulletins and has presented 76 papers (3 keynote addresses & 10 lead papers in international and 1 keynote address & 9 lead papers in national conferences) and chaired sessions at 3 international & 7 national conferences. He has guided 1 PhD&10 MVSc students.
Original Research Contributions:
1. Developed a novel immunotherapy of bovine Brucellosis.
2. Developed novel non–invasive monitoring & assessment of efficacy of antibacterial therapy.
3. Developed a novel Superagglutination test for accurate diagnosis of infectious diseases.
4. Developed a new Marker Vaccine for Hemorrhagic Septicemia in cattle and buffaloes.
5. Developed two new DIVA assays for Hemorrhagic Septicemia in cattle and buffaloes.
6. Discovered the molecular target of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus on chicken lymphocytes.
7. Invented a method for abrogation of DTH and GVH & HVG reactions in transplantation.
Immunotherapy and vaccine for Brucellosis and Pasteurellosis.
Phage lysate Immunotherapy of bovine Brucellosis