Principal Laboratory Technologist
National agency for food and drug administration and control
View profileBiography
I am presently working with National agency for food and drug administration and control, in the vaccine, Biologics and Medical Device _ laboratory service directorate in tissue culture lab. I am a holder of b.sc in public health and high national diploma in science Laboratory Technology measured in Microbiology/ virology. This is my eleven years in service. Research interests
Adverse effect of vaccine on individuals after delivery Projects you're working on
As a staff working in NRA of my country, we are currently working with manufacturers on how to start vaccine production in Nigeria. Discipline
Clinical trials – efficacy Clinical trials – safety Epidemiology Pharmacovigilance QC test development Quality assurance Registration Regulation Safety evaluation Virology Host species
Cattle Dogs Poultry Pathogen
Bacteria›E. coli Bacteria›Salmonella Parasites›Trypanosoma Viruses Viruses›Adenovirus Viruses›African swine fever virus Viruses›Arboviruses Viruses›Avian papillomavirus Viruses›Coronavirus Viruses›Ebolaviruses/filoviruses Viruses›Foot-and-mouth disease virus Viruses›Herpesvirus Viruses›Infectious bursal disease virus Viruses›Influenza virus Viruses›Mareks disease virus Viruses›Newcastle disease virus Viruses›Parainfluenza virus Stage of vaccine development
Clinical trials Marketing