Jeffrey Chen


Research scientist / Principal Investigator
VIDO, University of Saskatchewan
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I am a molecular bacteriologist with research interests in mycobacteria - the genus of bacteria whose members cause human and bovine tuberculosis (TB), human leprosy, Buruli ulcer, non-tuberculous mycobacterioses (NTM) and Johne’s disease. I have a BSc (Hons) in marine biology and biochemistry from Dalhousie University, and a PhD in molecular microbiology and genetics from the University of Toronto in Canada. After graduation, I did post-doctoral research on M. tb virulence factors at the Global Health Institute of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland.

In 2014, I joined VIDO-InterVac, University of Saskatchewan in Canada as a research scientist and principal investigator. I currently direct a research program focused on 4 specific areas:

1) Basic research to understand mycobacterial pathogenesis and virulence mechanisms

2) Developing next generation of BCG vaccines to combat human and bovine TB

3) Identifying BCG-derived bioactive molecules involved in immune evasion and inducing trained immunity

4) Developing a novel porcine (swine) model of human TB infection and transmission

Research interests

Tuberculosis and mycobacterial diseases; virulence and host-pathogen interactions; vaccines and therapeutics

Projects you're working on
BTB vaccines; Brucellosis vaccines; Harnessing trained immunity for use in livestock
Bacteriology Cellular biology Challenge model development Challenge study design Clinical trials – efficacy Molecular biology Protein biology
Host species
Buffalo Cattle Pigs Wildlife Zoonoses
Bacteria BacteriaBrucella BacteriaCorynebacterium BacteriaMycobacteria bovis BacteriaSalmonella
Stage of vaccine development
Adjuvants Antigen discovery and immunogen design Clinical trials Commercialisation Correlates of protection – immunomonitoring Deployment Field trials Vaccine delivery