Dr Bartie is an experienced molecular microbiologist in bacterial strain typing and fish genetic research. She previously worked as a Research Fellow on genotyping projects in Vietnam, characterising antibiotic resistant bacteria in aquaculture and published on the molecular epidemiology of Edwardsiella ictaluri in diseased catfish. Following a career break, she returned in 2012 providing technical support for high throughput sequencing projects, conducting genotyping of commercially relevant fish species to LMIC countries using ddRAD and SNP assays and whole genome sequencing (WGS) of aquaculture pathogens (300 isolates) informing on the population genetics. She is currently be working as a Post-Doctoral Researcher on an IVVN Pump Priming vaccine development project in Egypt (tilapia) and Vietnam (catfish) to characterise fish pathogens by WGS and high throughput MLST in order to design an effective broad spectrum oral vaccine. Her other research project involves assessing the performance and bacterial composition of biofilters in re-circulating aquaculture systems.