Professor Dr. Maged Mounir Ibrahim Ghobrial PhD, Cairo University,
Chief researcher of virology and head of unit, department of evaluation for large animals and pets’ viral vaccines (LAVVD), the Central Laboratory for Evaluation of Veterinary Biologics (CLEVB), Agriculture Research Center (ARC), Cairo, Egypt. I have a great experience in the field of evaluation and titration of different viral vaccines either attenuated or inactivated for farm animal, pets and equines. Also, Production of different viral vaccines, measurement of humeral immune response by ELISA, SNT, HI, AGPT and FAT and production of monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) and chicken egg yolk Immunoglobulins (IgY) and also cellular mediate immune response by MTT and XTT. I am a member in the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Egyptian Society of Virology (ESV) and Egyptian Biosafety Association (EGBSA). I Participated in several events and obtained important certifications in field of biosafety, biosecurity and risk assessment, specially Transport of Infectious Substances Certificate in addition to the diploma from Global-partnership-Initiated-Biosecurity-Academia for Controlling Health Threats, Germany (GIBACHT) and getting the Certificate (G8-Initiated-Biosecurity-Academia for Controlling Health Threats) (GIBACHT). He has published several papers in national and international journals.
All fields related to Virology, Immunology, Vaccinology and Bio-risk and One Health.
Different methods for Vaccines Evaluation especially FMD, BEF, LSD, RVF and Rabies.