Dr. Mahmoud Abdelaziz Mabrok: Assistant Professor of Fish Diseases and management, Suez Canal University, Egypt. He is a senior postdoctoral researcher at Department of Microbiology, Fish infectious Diseases, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. His work broadly concentrates on the development of novel diagnostic tools (PCR-Q PCR, RPA-LFD isothermal amplification for rapid and precise detection of most threatening pathogens, particurely in aquatic species, he also intend to discover multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacterial strains that may affect animal hosts, with the hope of addressing this newly emerging phenomenon and coping its public health concerns. Furthermore, part of his research plans is to find out an alternative remedy for diseases control and/or treatment of infectious diseases using eco-friendly active ingredients, including herbal extracts, prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics. Recently, he focused on host pathogen interaction with a special reference to investigate host innate and/ or adaptive immunity to cope the bacterial infection. He is an expert, has many international publications in the field of Fish diseases, Microbiology and Immunology, and currently work as academic editors for PLOS ONE, USA, BMC Research Note Springer Nature, Journal Of Marine Science Hindawy Group. He also appointed as Guest Editorial Board in Frontiers in Bioscience, International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research. He is a scientific reviewer at BMC research note, PloS One, Aquaculture, Journal of Fish Diseases, Fish Shellfish Immunology, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, AMP Express journals.
Fish Immunology, Microbiology, and Vaccinology