During my academic career, I have acquired an impressive degree of specialization in the field of infectious diseases. I have a great desire for mobility with long periods of study abroad. After graduating from the School of Veterinary Medicine in Algiers, I continued my graduate studies in infectious diseases specializing in the field of brucellosis. During the completion of my doctorate, I had the opportunity to work with Pr Ignacio Moriyon, a world leader in brucellosis, who contributed to the eradication of the disease in Spain. To deepen my knowledge, I worked on human and bovine tuberculosis, which constitutes a serious public health problem in this part of the world. I am continuously publishing scientific articles in peer-reviewed international journals. Publications include articles in reputable journals. In recent years, focusing on topics related to infectious diseases, in particular Brucellosis and Tuberculosis. An article has just been published in the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. I am a Research Assistant and instructor in the "Brucellosis diagnosis and control" delivered by the brucellosis group of the Institute for Tropical Health, University of Navarra (Spain), in Africa, so I am giving training courses on brucellosis diagnosis and vaccine.
Major zoonotic diseases in Algeria.
Animal and human brucellosis in Algeria.
Bovine tuberculosis in Algeria.
Human toxoplasmosis.