I gained my DVM degree in Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria in February, 2010. I then proceeded to do a Masters in Veterinary Medicine in the same University and graduated in February 2014, within this course I compared the protective efficacy of live and killed commercially available infectious Bursal disease (IBD) vaccines in poultry chicks. I worked as a lecturer in the Federal University of agriculture Makurdi and as resident Veterinarian in Veterinary teaching hospital of the University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria from August 2012 to November 2015. I am currently a third year PhD student in the School of Veterinary Medicine and science, University of Nottingham and I am working on developing diagnostics and therapeutics for Eimeria infections in poultry.
Veterinary immunology and vaccinology, Veterinary Parasitology, Veterinary Medicine, Next generation sequencing, phage display