Nguyen Thi Kim
Name: Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Vietnamese, born in 13th September 1968, in Hanoi - Vietnam
Current Work Address: The National Center for Veterinary Diagnosis (NCVD), Department of Animal Health, 11/78 Giai Phong Street, Ha Noi
Position: Deputy director of the NCVD
- 2012: PhD, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven- BELGIUM
- 2004: MSc in molecular biology, VUB, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven- BELGIUM
- 1990: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), Hanoi Agricultural University
Experience: management, research and consult of animal disease and control
To H, Yamaguchi T, Nguyen NT, Nguyen OT, Nguyen SV, Agus S, Kim HJ, Fukushi H, Hirai K, 1999. Sequence Comparision of the VP2 variable region of infection bursal disease virus isolted from Vietnam. J. Vet. Med. Sci. 61: 492-432
Oanh TK, Nguyen VK, Do TN, Goddeeris BM, De Greve H. Escherichia coli strains causing edema disease in northern vietnam share an identical Verotoxin 2e, 2010. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2010 Dec;42:1797-804
Oanh TK, Nguyen VK, De Greve H, Goddeeris BM. Protection of piglets against edema disease by maternal immunization with stx2e toxoid, 2011. Infect Immun. 80(1): 469- 473
Huong VT, Thanh LV, Phu VD, Trinh DT, Inui K, Tung N, Oanh NT, Trung NV, Hoa NT, Bryant JE, Horby PW, Kinh NV, Wertheim HF. Temporal and spatial association of Streptococcus suis infection in humans and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome outbreaks in pigs in northern Vietnam. 2016 Epidemiol Infect. 144(1): 35–44.
Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Dang Khanh Van,Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, 1997. Situation of Mycoplasna Gallisepticum infection in the poultry farms in the suburb of HaNoi. Animal Husbandry Journal of Vietnam. 4: 20-22
Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Phung Quoc Quang, Luc De Bruyne. The usage of Sodium lauryl Sulfate (3%) as CMT detergent for estimating the somatic cell content in milk, 2001. Animal Husbandry Journal of Vietnam. 3: 5-6
Nguyen, T., Nguyen VS, Oanh NTK, 2010. Determinant virulent factors of E. coli causing edema disease in piglets in Phu Tho. Animal Husbandry Journal of Vietnam. 11: 8-11.
Animal Infectious, zoonosis disease diagnosis and control
African Swine Fever virus surveillance in pig herd and environment (Vietnamese Government project)