Paul Simon Gwakisa, PhD, is Professor of Immunology and Animal Biotechnology in Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania. He leads a research group in the Genome Science Centre whose interests are immunology and molecular diagnostics of vector-borne infections, innate immunity, vaccination responses and diversity of Theileria parva parasite at livestock-wildlife interface ecosystems. He also leads the Training Community of Practice of the Southern African Center for Infectious Disease Surveillance (SACIDS), whose vision is to enhance One Health research at postgraduate level. His 30-year research experience has also elucidated attributes of genetic diversity of indigenous livestock and their unique traits in low-income pastoralist communities. Due to his passion to educate the next generation of African scientists, he has supervised over 50 postgraduate (MSc and PhD) students and has contributed to development of numerous university curricula in the Life Sciences. Paul Gwakisa also serves as adjunct professor of Life Sciences at the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Tanzania, where he previously served as founding Dean of school of Life Sciences and Bioengineering.
Immunology of parasitic infections; Genetic and Antigenic Diversity of Parasites; Vectorborne diseases, environment and pastoral community engagement