Sean Monaghan


University of Stirling (Institute of Aquaculture)
I completed a BSc. (Hons) degree in Biology at Keele university followed by an MSc. and PhD degree in Aquatic Pathobiology at the University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture. Following initial work on marker vaccination for fish during my PhD, I have gone on to explore innovative vaccinology approaches targeting a range of fish species and their disease challenges. Targeted diseases range from the notifiable Koi herpes virus infection of carp, to bacterial diseases affecting tilapia, salmonids and cleaner fish species cohabited with farmed salmon to remove parasites. Through the use of sophisticated antigen delivery systems for oral vaccines and comparison of vaccination regimes (immersion, oral and injection prime-boost strategies), greater understanding of mucosal immunity has highlighted the potential for immunising against more complex fish pathogens. Working with interdisciplinary collaborators over this period has facilitated advances in the molecular analytical toolbox (e.g. single cell / spatial transcriptomics), which have enhanced antigen discovery and improved understanding of host immune responses for complex pathogens. More recently, by combining improved knowledge of mucosal immunity with novel vaccine biotech approaches (e.g. nanoparticle / antigen delivery platforms), I have sought to develop vaccines targeting sea lice, copepod crustacean ectoparasites of fish, particularly those associated with cultured salmonids such as Atlantic salmon. This work has incorporated novel molecular antigen discovery approaches, antigen production/display platforms and administration routes. Recent multi-partner interdisciplinary projects using gene editing technology (CRISPR-Cas9) has further provided a new means by which to characterise the protective immunity associated with selected gene targets. By comparing key molecular signatures of immune pathways employed by sea louse resistant species (e.g. coho salmon) that are lacking in sea louse susceptible species (e.g. Atlantic salmon) we have begun to identify novel vaccine candidates involved in modulating potentially protective host responses. I continue to explore new ways to unravel fish host-pathogen interactions and improve vaccine design and application.
Research interests
Fish immunology and Vaccinology. Aquatic bacteriology, parasitology, virology. Vaccine administration and response (oral, immersion - mucosal; injection boosters). Serological and molecular immune response, functional immunoassays, immunoproteomics, histochemical techniques (IHC, ISH, IFAT), transcriptomics and gene expression analysis. Sea lice vaccine development, Amoebic gill disease, Argulosis, salmon alphavirus, koi herpesvirus. Comparative immunology and host pathogen interactions.
Projects you're working on
• 2024-2025. SAIC / Aquatreck. ImmuLice: Efficacy of targeted Immunisation Against Adult Salmon Lice. (University of Stirling (UK), Moredun Research Institute (UK), Aquatreck (Sp) • 2024-2027. BBSRC / Bimeda Animal Health. Development of a mucosally-delivered and active salmon louse vaccine for Atlantic salmon aquaculture. (PI, University of Stirling (UK), Moredun Research Institute (UK), Bimeda Animal Health (UK), Vertebrate Antibodies Ltd.( UK)) • 2024-2025. SAIC. Maximising impact of the WraAs OptiVacc project: Delivering optimised vaccination for ballan wrasse. (Co-I, University of Stirling, Mowi (UK), Ridgeway Biologicals (UK), Otterferry Seafish Ltd. (UK)) • 2021-present. BBSRC / SAIC / Benchmark Genetics. Towards lice-resistant salmon: functional genetics and genome editing to enhance disease resistance in aquaculture. (Co-I, University of Stirling (UK), Roslin Institute - University of Edinburgh (UK), Benchmark Genetics (No), Cefas (UK), University of Prince Edward Island (Ca), Nofima (No)) • 2021-present. Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (FHF). CrispResist: Harnessing Cross-Species Variation in Sea Lice Resistance. (Co-I, University of Stirling (UK), Nofima (No), University of Edinburgh - Roslin Institute (UK), University of Prince Edward Island (Ca), University of Melbourne (Au), Rothamsted Research (UK), Institute of Marine Research - Austevoll (No), University of Gothenburg (Sw), Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences (US), Salmar (No), Mowi (No), Benchmark Genetics (No), University of Bergen (No)
Bacteriology Cellular biology Challenge model development Challenge study design Immunology – B-cells Parasitology Virology
Host species
BacteriaAeromonas Parasites Viruses VirusesHerpesvirus
Stage of vaccine development
Antigen discovery and immunogen design Vaccine delivery