Prof Simon Waddell is a Professor of Microbial Pathogenesis leading a molecular mycobacteriology group in the Department of Global Health and Infection, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, University of Sussex. His work focuses on understanding the interactions between host and pathogen, and investigating the action of anti-mycobacterial compounds through drug therapy. The Waddell lab uses genome-wide technologies (particularly transcriptomics and genomics) to understand TB/NTM drug action during human disease, to define mycobacterial populations that survive early drug therapy, and to identify the mode of action of novel anti-mycobacterial compounds. Our research also explores the interactions between host and pathogen throughout the disease process using transcriptional signatures derived from immune cells and M.tuberculosis to reveal new pathways and novel antigens to target. Simon trained in molecular microbiology at the University of Birmingham before completing a PhD in mycobacterial pathogenicity at St Georges, University of London. He then spent a stint as a postdoctoral scientist at Stanford University, USA, profiling host responses to infection. He joined the University of Sussex in 2010.
Mycobacterial transcriptomics; intracellular/in vivo gene expression; host-pathogen interactions; antigen discovery; tuberculosis/NTM drug discovery; AMR mechanisms